Wayzata's Best of Shareware PC/Windows 2
Wayzata's Best of Shareware 2.0 (Windows) (Wayzata Technology)(7112)(1994).bin
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GIFNDX - Gif Indexer - Version 1.3 - 4-10-92
(c) Copyright 1992 by Dan Linton All Rights Reserved.
Software Creations BBS - (508) 365-2359 Main Access Line
This program is released as Shareware - If you like it and
continue to use it please send $5.00 to the following address and
I will send you the latest GIFNDX program and documentation.
Software Creations
"Gif Indexer"
26 Harris St.
Clinton, MA. 01510
If you have additions to this program that you would like to see
in future revisions then please send them to me. If I use them I will send
you a free update of the program. I can be reached on the following:
Software Creations BBS - (508) 365-2359 Main Access Line
The Following RelayNet (RIME) Conferences:
Shareware, Graphics, Sysops, Games
Compuserve ID: 73230,3254
Gif Indexer was written because of another program that I sell
called Picture Puzzle. Picture Puzzle uses .GIF, .PCX, and .PUZ files to
run and at this time only supports certain resolutions. Many people have
their graphics files all in one directory. It is hard to remember which
pictures have which resolutions. So, I created Gif Indexer. This program
will create a report either on the screen or to a file that will show
all the files, sorted by name, with the Horizontal and Vertical resolutions,
number of colors, and the file size for each file.
Command Line Options
Gif Indexer has a couple command line options. If you just type Gifndx in
your current directory then Gif Indexer will produce a sorted list of all the
Gif files, then all the PCX files and then all the PUZ files (Puz files are
files used with my program Picture Puzzle.) And the output will be to the
screen. If you follow Gifndx on the command line with a filename then a report
will be written that contains the list of files and their resolutions and
sizes. (I.E. Gifndx report.txt). The report files would look like something
like this:
GIFNDX - Gif Indexer - Version 1.3 - 5-18-91
(c) Copyright 1991 by Dan Linton All Rights Reserved.
Software Creations BBS - (508) 365-2359 Main Access Line
Filename Resolution Size
CHIP.GIF 640x350x16 11136
POOCH.GIF 640x350x16 13247
SKI.GIF 640x350x16 22220
TITLE.GIF 640x350x16 4163
POOCH.PCX 640x350x16 44051
Files processed: Gif= 4, Pcx= 1, Puz= 0, Report File = report.txt
You can also add a third command line option which will give a different
report output then this one. If you don't want the GIF, PCX, and PUZ files all
sorted separately then just type the following: GIFNDX Report.txt 2. The 2
tells GIFNDX to do the following report:
GIFNDX - Gif Indexer - Version 1.3 - 5-18-91
(c) Copyright 1991 by Dan Linton All Rights Reserved.
Software Creations BBS - (508) 365-2359 Main Access Line
Filename Resolution Size
CHIP.GIF 640x350x16 11136
POOCH.GIF 640x350x16 13247
POOCH.PCX 640x350x16 44051
SKI.GIF 640x350x16 22220
TITLE.GIF 640x350x16 4163
Files processed: Gif= 4, Pcx= 1, Puz= 0, Report File = report.txt
Notice to Sysops
I found this indexer to be helpful to me as a sysop also because I use it
to do a report of the graphics files in my New Uploads directory. I can then
take the report and go back into the file descriptions and add the files
resolution to the description.
Gif Indexer is very easy to use. Just place the file gifndx.exe
in a directory that is located in the DOS path. Then connect to the directory
that you want to index. Type gifndx and an index will be created of the
graphics files in that directory on the screen. If you put a filename on the
command line then Gif Indexer will write the output to that file. I.E.
Gifndx report.ndx
After running the program the file report.ndx file will look
something like this: (Different filenames of course).
GIFNDX - Gif Indexer - Version 1.3 - 5-18-91
(c) Copyright 1991 by Dan Linton All Rights Reserved.
Software Creations BBS - (508) 365-2359 Main Access Line
Filename Resolution Size
928.GIF 640x400x256 117760
ALASKA01.GIF 640x516x256 277101
ALASKA02.GIF 640x516x256 251242
ALICE.GIF 640x480x256 150016
ANGEL2.GIF 640x409x256 185344
APR89.GIF 640x480x256 136832
CONAN03.GIF 800x600x256 227475
EAGLE.GIF 640x480x256 124544
ELIZABET.GIF 640x480x256 145024
EPROM.GIF 800x600x256 99066
F18.GIF 640x480x256 87719
MBCRAW1A.GIF 640x480x256 120832
MBPAUL87.GIF 638x480x256 148480
POOLSIDE.GIF 640x480x256 164224
ROLLS.GIF 512x486x256 171392
ROOM.GIF 800x600x256 85415
ROSE.GIF 800x600x256 251026
RRQ00.GIF 640x480x256 242944
SR71A.GIF 640x400x256 143360
STQ01.GIF 640x480x256 162176
Files processed: Gif= 20, Pcx= 0, Puz= 0, Report File = report.ndx
Special Thanks
I want to thank Harvey Peretson for the messages he sent me on
the RIME Shareware Conference giving me the idea to write this utility.
Harvey mentioned that he had lots of GIF pictures all in one directory
and didn't know which ones would work with Picture Puzzle.
Thanks Harvey
Well enjoy the program and please get back to me with any changes or
added features you would like to see. I am willing to upgrade the program
and will continue to do so as long as I know people are willing to tell
me what they want in it.
Dan Linton Jr. - Sysop
Software Creations BBS
Home of Picture Puzzle
History ->
5/19/91 - Added carriage returns to the report files so that the file
would print correctly to a printer.
5/19/91 - Check for the existence of a report filename before I open one.
If the file exists I ask if I should overwrite or get a
different name.
5/19/91 - Check for invalid gif, pcx and puz files and write Invalid
filename in the list instead of the resolution of the file.
4/10/92 - Fixed a problem with some PCX files resolutions coming out
with the wrong values.